2025 Council Meeting times
Council is trialling a 4pm Council Meeting start time and is seeking community feedback for the remainder of the year.
Council is trialling a 4pm Council Meeting start time and is seeking community feedback for the remainder of the year.
Share your ideas and priorities with us to shape key strategic plans, including the Community Vision, Financial Plan, Asset Plan, and Council Plan 2025-29.
We're seeking community feedback on locations and themes for the 2024-25 Pitch My Project-funded public art installation.
Help develop the Rural Residential and Land Use Strategy and Urban Growth Strategy by submitting an expression of interest for the Community Panel.
After extensive consultation with the community, the draft Seven Creeks Master Plan is now open for public comment.
Have your say to help develop Council's Draft Sports Strategy, guiding the maintenance, renewal, and development of our sporting facilities.
The community are invited to nominate volunteers who are making an outstanding contribution to the community of Strathbogie Shire.
Find out about the Draft Trail Network Plan and supporting works for the Balmattum Hill Mountain Bike Trail and provide your initial feedback via a short survey.
After it was recently opened to the public, we're calling on the community to share images and video of the new Nagambie Foreshore Walk.
Help us guide cycling and walking infrastructure throughout our shire.
We've got the community-led design options and we've got the costs. Now we need the funding to ensure the bridge's long-term future.
We’re seeking your input and feedback on our Draft Municipal Fire Management Plan.
We’re seeking your feedback on options for Avenel’s new township signage.
We’re seeking input into an amended draft of the Governance Rules following proposed changes to the Election Period Policy.
We are calling on the community to demonstrate their preferences for what event they would like to attend this Seniors Week.
Avenel is rapidly growing, offering a desirable rural lifestyle. Therefore, the existing Avenel 2030 Strategy requires updating to meet the needs of the community.
Register your interest to develop strategic direction for the future of our region's tourism
Provide your feedback on the Draft Strathbogie and Nagambie LEAP, or express your interest in joining the Kirwans Bridge LEAP Steering Group.
Now is your time to review the draft plan and provide your input. We want to make sure we’ve captured your ideas and input correctly before we finalise the plan.
Join us for the 16 Days of Activism campaign from November 25 to December 22. This is a safe space to share what respect means to you.
A review of the current waterway rules in Nagambie is required to better meet the increasing demand for water access.
We’re seeking your feedback on the next draft plan, which aims to revitalise the central business area.
A space for community to give their input and feedback on the Euroa Community Cinema.
Expressions of Interest for Strathbogie and Violet Town streetscape working groups are now open. Stage 1 works underway for Avenel, Euroa and Longwood.
Strathbogie Shire Council is seeking input on which projects to fund in its upcoming budget, including which projects to prioritise over others.
We're inviting more members of the community to join the Kirwans Bridge Community Panel.
We have released our Draft Council Plan and Draft Financial Plan, and are now seeking community feedback.
Make a submission on the proposed closure of Euroa Tip Rd at Railway Crossing Euroa.
We are seeking community feedback on Council's proposal to retain the annual allowances for the Mayor and Councillors
We’re encouraging residents to share their thoughts on how our road network is managed and maintained.
We are seeking community input as we develop a Memorandum of Understanding with the Taungurung people.
We are seeking local youths to form a representative group to workshop ideas for a new bike track and outdoor space.
Council has adopted its final 2021/22 Budget. We’re now keen for your input into our engagement process and suggestions for making it better.
We are seeking community feedback, thoughts, and advice, as we complete our four-year review of our Domestic Animal Management Plan (DAMP)
We want to engage with our youth! That's why we're creating youth crews in each of the Shire's townships as well as a FReeZA Crew.
Are you a Strathbogie Shire resident aged 18 – 25 years? We like to invite you to fill in our Youth Survey.
A place for all things Arts and Culture in Strathbogie Shire. Inform us through our survey, share your ideas and stay up to date by signing up to our eNews.
Have your say on Council’s Draft Economic Development Strategy.
Have your say on our Draft Climate Change Action Plan.
Euroa Community Action Group and Strathbogie Shire Council are seeking the community's input to help design a community gathering and growing space in Euroa.
Council received a grant to conduct a feasibility study into the possibility of having resale shops at one or more of its Transfer Station sites.
This year we’re building on the successful Pitch My Project initiative established last year and asking people to pitch their ideas before we release our draft budget.
Help pick the best equipment for Nagambie’s new water play area
The Victorian Government requires all Councils to move to a four-bin system by 2030. As a result, Council is working toward instating a new purple-lid glass bin by 2025.
The Euroa Community Action Group is seeking community feedback on their draft strategic plan.
The Active Active Community Action group is seeking feedback to assist in the development of their 2022-2026 Community Plan.
We're seeking community feedback on the 2022/23 Draft Budget and Council Plan Review.
Have your say on the plan that outlines how assets are managed in our municipality.
We're seeking feedback from the Nagambie Whroovale Estate community regarding the sort of equipment and play space ideas for the open space to be completed.
Strathbogie Shire Council is seeking the community’s advice on a review of traditional Australia Day celebrations.
Help us prioritise the planning work that matters to you!
Provide feedback on Council's Draft Public Art Policy to guide us into the future.
Have you say on the plan that outlines how trees are managed in our Shire
Three locations have been selected as suitable options for an electric vehicle charging station in Nagambie. Have your say on the final location.
Vote for your favourite Public Art sculpture for Euroa
Find information on our Mobile Flood Recovery Hub and share your ideas on potential projects and activities to support our region’s recovery.
Join our Community Panel and have your say on engagement in our Shire
Share your ideas for the 2023/24 Budget
Help pick the best equipment for Avenel’s new park play space
Our Draft 2023/24 Budget and Pitch My Project Priorities are now open for feedback.
We're seeking your feedback on our Draft Play and Open Space Strategy.
Euroa's latest public art installation - a 3.5m magpie - has recently been named. Now, we're calling visitors to register their details to win a miniature sculpture.
It’s time to have your say on your favourite community projects!
Select your preferred play structure option for Euroa’s Bicentennial Park upgrade.
Our Draft 2024-25 Budget and Council Plan update is now open for feedback.
We're seeking your feedback on our Draft Lease and Licensing Policy.
We're seeking community feedback on our draft Kerbside Policy.
Call us on 1800 065 993
Postal address: PO Box 177, Euroa VIC 3666
Email: info@strathbogie.vic.gov.au
Website: www.strathbogie.vic.gov.au
TTY users can phone 133 677 then ask for 03 5795 0000
Speak & Listen (speech-to-speech) users can phone 1300 555 727 then ask for 03 5795 0000
Internet relay users can connect to NRS at www.relayservice.com.au then ask for 03 5795 0000.