Have your say on the draft Seven Creeks Master Plan

The draft Seven Creeks Master Plan extends the work completed by community group; friends of the sevens, who first established a master plan and prioritisation of works in 2016.

Extensive community consultation was undertaken to inform the development of the draft Seven Creeks Master Plan. The purpose of the draft master plan is to set the direction for the future investment and management of the Seven Creeks area and will determine what is required to meet the demands of our communities as they grow and change over the next 10 years as well as servicing the high number of visitors to the park.

All improvement works identified in the draft Master Plan were developed with reference to the 2016 Seven Creeks Master Plan and Council’s Play and Open Space Strategy 2024-34.

The draft Master Plan identifies the following key priority actions:

  • Replace/upgrade of Twomey’s bridge;
  • Revegetation and vegetation management;
  • Education and awareness;
  • Interpretative signage;
  • Trail enhancements;
  • Installation of a nature play space; and
  • Lighting.

Feedback will then be collated and reviewed to inform the final Master Plan for presentation and consideration by Council at the December 2024 Council Meeting and insertion as an appendix into Council’s Play and Open Space Strategy 2024-2034.

Feedback opens on Wednesday July 17, and closes at 5pm on Friday August 16.

We encourage you to share your thoughts by:

Online: Complete the online submission form below
Email: info@strathbogie.vic.gov.au
Post: PO Box 177, Euroa VIC 3666