Make a submission to our Draft Road Management Plan

We’re encouraging residents to share their thoughts on how our road network is managed and maintained.

At our June Council Meeting the Draft 2021 Road Management Plan was adopted to be released for community consultation.

It’s an important document for our community as it outlines the way we maintain our extensive road network.

This Draft Road Management Plan:

  • Describes road assets within road reserves for which Council is responsible.
  • Outlines areas within Council’s responsibility including public roads, bridges and major culverts, footpaths, on-street and off-street car parks.
  • Sets out inspection intervals and response times for maintenance
  • Considers the staff inspect, maintain and repair roads and to show a duty of care for ratepayers, while providing sustainable, safe and economic maintenance.
  • Sets out how Council works with other authorities and implements processes and systems to ensure compliance and standards are met.
  • Forms an integral part of Council’s Asset Management Strategy.

Make a submission below

Submissions close at 5pm Friday July 16, 2021.

Please note submissions may be made public.

Online: Please complete the form below
Email: email
Post: PO Box 177, Euroa VIC 3666.

Written submissions must be addressed to:

Julie Salomon
Chief Executive Officer, Strathbogie Shire Council