Are you passionate about the future of Strathbogie Shire?

We invite you to express your interest in Our Community Our Future Community Working Group to recommend 4-year priorities and overarching principles to Council.

We are seeking expressions of interest from all Strathbogie Shire community members who wish to take part. You don’t need any prior knowledge to take part. All you need is an open mind, a will to work with others and to consider the information provided.

During February, we had many conversations with our community to understand their values and expectations. We want to be really clear on what matters to you, our community, to help us set priorities and to shape our future direction together.

The next step is the Our Community Our Future Community Working Group. It will have the important role of reviewing the information shared by the community, understanding the role of Council’s key strategic documents, review and refresh our 2025 – 2035 Community Vision before providing Council with recommendations on community priorities (for the next 4-years) and overarching principles for consideration in our next Council Plan, Financial Plan, Asset Plan and Budget.

The group will meet two times at the Euroa Community Conference Centre, and participants must attend both workshops:

  • Workshop one: 20 March 2025 5:00 – 8:00pm
  • Workshop two: 24 March 2025 5:00 – 8:00pm
In recognition of the time and commitment, working group members will receive an honorarium gift voucher of $100 after the last workshop.
Expressions of Interest close at 9:00am Friday 14 March 2025.

Register your interest by completing the expression of interest form below.

For assistance in completing the form, please call Capire Consulting Group on (03) 9285 9000.

You can express your interest in the working group if you’re aged 18 years and over and you live or are a non-resident rate-payer in Strathbogie Shire.

A maximum of one person from one address can be selected to participate.

You can’t apply if you are currently (or have been within 5-years):

  • an elected representative from any level of government or an employee/family member of an elected representative
  • a Strathbogie Shire Council employee (current or within the past 5 years) or family member of an employee
  • a Strathbogie Shire councillor (current) or family member of a councillor

If you are unsure about your eligibility, please contact Capire Consulting Group on (03) 9285 9000 or email to discuss.

You don't need to know about anything specific beforehand. You just need to be open-minded, ready to work with others, and consider the needs of the wider Strathbogie Shire and the information provided.

Capire Consulting Group (Capire).

Strathbogie Shire Council is partnering with Capire to design and facilitate the Our Community Our Future working group.

As Australia’s largest specialist in community engagement and a leader in deliberative engagement and facilitation, Capire brings extensive expertise to the process.

The Panel will be facilitated by Denise Francisco, a Senior Associate at Capire. For more information visit

Your privacy is important to us. The selection will anonymously consider things like age, gender, where you live and household structure to select a group of people that reflect the diversity of the Strathbogie Shire community.

The majority of survey questions are mandatory to assist with panel selection, but your participation is voluntary. All information will be kept confidential and stored securely and used only for statistical analysis and panel selection by Capire Consulting Group.

By submitting this form, you consent to your data being used for these purposes. For more information about how we treat your personal information collected on this website go to