It’s time to have your say on your favourite community projects!

Strathbogie Shire Council's annual Pitch My Project initiative is now in its fourth year, and through this we're proud to have funded almost 30 community project across the shire.

We want our community to be involved in every step of the development of our 2024-25 Budget. This means we're making sure we fund the projects and initiatives that matter to our residents.

Council has allocated $300,000 for Pitch My Project as part of the 2024-25 annual budget. Pitched ideas must demonstrate how they align to one of the six strategic focus areas within Council’s 2021-2025 council plan. Each strategic focus area has been allocated $50,000 for successful projects.

Eligibility was determined by the below criteria as stated in the guidelines:

  • Was the idea received by the due date?
    • Yes - proceed to the next question
    • No - the idea will not be supported
  • Is the idea better suited for a grant program currently managed by Council?
    • Yes - the idea will not be supported, please consider submitting your idea as a grant application to one of Council's grant programs.
    • No - proceed to the next question
  • Can the idea be Council-led and delivered with no direct allocation of funds given to community groups, clubs, organisations or commercial business?
    • Yes - proceed to the next question.
    • No - the idea will not be supported
  • Is the idea a once-off community program, project or initiative that can be realised by Council between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025?
    • Yes - proceed to the next question
    • No - the idea will not be supported
  • Will the idea cost $50,000 or under to implement?
    • Yes - proceed to the next question
    • No - the idea will not be supported
  • If the idea is an infrastructure pitch, is this on Council’s asset register?
    • Yes - proceed to the next question
    • No - the idea will not be supported

Those deemed eligible by a four-member officer review panel were then assessed by Council Administrator, Peter Stephenson, in line with the final assessment criteria, this being:

  • To what extent does the idea demonstrate a strong benefit to the community? (up to a score of 10)
  • To what extent does the idea align to a strategy of Council Plan 2021 -2025. (up to a score of 10)

All projects that scored 11 or above have progressed to the next stage.

2024-25 Pitch My Project prioritisation closes at 5pm on Friday, May 24, 2024.

We encourage you to have your say:

Online: Complete the form below
Post: PO Box 177, Euroa VIC 3666

  • Euroa Library
  • Violet Town Library
  • Avenel Library
  • Tablelands Community Centre
  • Strathbogie General Store
  • Longwood General Store and PO
  • Nagambie Visitor Information Centre



  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    December 13, 2023: Pitch period begins

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    February 23, 2024: Pitch period closes

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    March 2024: Applications assessed as per the guidelines

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    April 17, 2024: Draft Budget released for consultation and successful pitch ideas put to public prioritisation

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    May 24, 2024: Pitch My Project prioritisation activity closes for community feedback

  • Timeline item 6 - complete

    June: 2024/25 Budget adopted

  • Timeline item 7 - active

    2024/25: Projects implemented

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project? Contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Strathbogie Shire Council
Phone 1800 065 993

2023/24 PROJECTS

Six community projects valued at more than $200,000 were endorsed for funding through last year's Pitch My Project initiative for the 2023/24 Budget.

Find out more about last year's initiative >