STAGE ONE - Median strip renewal
The first stage of the streetscape renewal plan aims to deliver a portion of the project in the immediate term which utilises an existing funding agreement with the Federal government.
Within the 2020/21 budget, the Strathbogie Shire Council approved funding for works to be under taken to renew and improve existing streetscapes within the shire.
This allocation has been supported by a grant from the Federal Government .
Effective streetscape design is an integral part of shaping a community’s identity, increasing civic pride and improving a sense of well-being and belonging. Areas for improvement may include but are not limited to; town entry features, street furniture, planting, pedestrian/traffic circulation and safety, public art , lighting, general wayfinding and signage.
The focus of the study area is the town centre of Strathbogie, defined by the entry to Main Street from the north and south.
The study area also includes Euroa-Strathbogie Road, including the Spring Creek Bridge and picnic area.
This document presents a conceptual streetscape renewal plan for the town of Strathbogie.
The intention of this streetscape renewal plan is to provide a visual guide for future streetscape development, rather than a literal or specific representation of works to be completed.
The recommendations include streetscape projects which can be implemented progressively as well as a palette of
streetscape materials, finishes, fixtures and landscaping recommendations that work to maintain streetscape consistency, improve functionality and amenity and reflect a sense of identity and character for the area.
The project concentrates on the public realm, which includes the components of the streets and footpaths. Building facades are not included.
Strathbogie is characterised by its undulating topography and its expansive views. Surrounded by rich granite geology, forest and agricultural land - its township has a simple and calm quality.
Its link to the natural environment and its rich farming history should b e considered when developing its streetscapes. Maintaining a rural sense of simplicity and quietness in the streetscape is key to enhancing its most attractive and dominant feature - the wider context of the natural environment