Key Areas


Vision & Objectives

  • Create a unified and visually appealing own
  • Reinforce and improve existing streetscape character
  • Improve arrival experience
  • Encouraging landscaping along the road reserve that is consistent, high-quality and represents the landscape character of the town
  • Feature landscaping and/or public artwork in selected locations
  • Improve the visual appeal of carparking areas
  • Create a local sense of place by reinforcing identity and telling local stories through the choice of materials and placemaking
  • Reinforce visual and physical connections to the surrounding landscape and heritage
  • Connect the community and visitors to the surrounding natural landscape
  • Facilitate walkable streets
  • Improve mobility access, circulation, safety and connectivity in the pedestrian and cycling network
  • Create links and wayfinding methods to enhance locals and visitors experience of the township with particular regard for key community assets - the pub paddock, the community centre, the war memorial, and the school
  • Generate more activity
  • Improve current land uses such as out door dining
  • Create future opportunities to increase activity of surrounding land use
  • Provide places for gathering, sports, play, resting and dining in a landscaped or sheltered setting
  • Improve the environmental function of the street
  • Embrace opportunities to increase passive irrigation and stormwater
  • Replace landscape treatments that are at the end of their life cycle
  • Improve drainage
  • Increase the capacity of existing green networks to enhance biodiversity and habitat corridors
  • Ensuring the retention and renewal of the significant mature street trees and the character of leafy streetscapes


  • Agriculture

  • Gum Trees

  • Prime Lamb & Wool

  • Granite

  • Grasslands