The DRAFT Climate Change Action Plan contains 50 actions across five areas.

The survey below will allow Councillors to select their top 10 priorities.

These priorities will become the actions completed in the first year of the five-year plan.

The cost column provides you with an estimate of funds needed to complete the action.

$ = Between 0 and $20,000
$$ = Between $20,000 and $50,000
$$$ = Between $50, 000 and $150,000
$$$$ = Above $150,000


Please see the ACTIONS tab above for a table containing all actions and further details


No.ActionArea of responsibility Section Cost
Update Councils current Roadside Management Plan to reflect best practice for protecting biodiversity.Corporate – Environment and WasteProtecting our Natural Environment$
2Every 5 years update the Roadside Conservations Values Assessments.Corporate – Environment and Waste
Protecting our Natural Environment$$
3Continue to implement a Conservation Covenant Rate Incentive to lock up carbon and protect biodiversity for landowners who have land registered for a conservation covenant on the Cert of Title and create a Rebate Program to enhance the properties biodiversity values.Community – FinanceProtecting our Natural Environment$
4Plan for replacement of all vacant tree sites in our urban areas over the next 5 yearCorporate – OperationsProtecting our Natural Environment$$$
5Ensure that there is appropriate budget each year to replace all trees that are required to be removedCorporate – OperationsProtecting our Natural Environment$$
6Review our current species list for planting to ensure that it still fit for purpose and climate appropriate.Corporate – OperationsProtecting our Natural Environment$
7Develop a Significant Tree RegisterCorporate – Planning and InvestmentProtecting our Natural Environment$
8Provide access to information on the benefits of retaining native vegetation and biodiversityCommunity – Planning and InvestmentProtecting our Natural Environment$
9Report every 12 months on Council’s emissions reduction figuresCorporate – Environment and WasteReducing our emissions$
10Water and Electricity: Support households to improve water and energy efficiency in their homes.Community – Environment and WasteReducing our emissions$$
11Water: Undertake and support water use audits, retrofits, integrate rainwater and water re-use principles into operations and guidelines for Parks and Gardens, recreation areas, toilets, truck wash facilities, street tree watering and other identified users.Corporate – OperationsReducing our emissions$$
12Waste: Ensure internal and external capital works contracts and project briefs include planning for construction and demolition wasteCorporate – Project DeliveryReducing our emissions$
13Waste: Support local groups and businesses engaging in waste reduction projects and events that reduce emissions, and waste going to landfill via the community grant process.Community – Community and CultureReducing our emissions$$
14Electricity: Determine Councils biggest users of electricity and plan for solar installation at these sites over the next 5 years.Corporate – Project DeliveryReducing our emissions$$
15Waste: Prioritise the use of recycled products (this should happen automatically if the cost is less than 10%)Corporate – ProcurementReducing our emissions$
16Waste: Monitor paper use and implement paper saving measures across the organisation.Corporate – Digital Innovation and TechnologyReducing our emissions$
17Water: Investigate and trial recycled water options for street treesCorporate – OperationsReducing our emissions$
18Fuel: Monitor fuel use for plant and continue to implement fuel efficiency measures.Corporate – FleetReducing our emissions$
19Waste: Investigate low carbon and/or high recycled content concrete and asphalt/emulsion options that can become a standard specification.Corporate – OperationsReducing our emissions$$
20Water: Continue to support Greening Euroa to get it ready to go to tender once funding has been securedCommunity – Environment and WasteReducing our emissions$
21Review and commence the implementation of existing facilities in each major township capable of operating independently to be available to the community during extreme climate events.Community – Community SafetyOur Climate Resilient Community$$$
22Ensure that all new developments consider Water Sensitive Urban Design during the planning process.Corporate – Asset PlanningOur Climate Resilient Community$
23Development of a 10 year, climate-appropriate, street tree planting plan and budget for the Shire’s townships that increases and maintains a combination of street and water sensitive urban design plantings from 15 to 200 per annum by 2022, and that water sensitive urban design and the passive irrigation of street trees be a training priority for the Parks and Gardens team in order to implement best practice water saving techniques across street tree infrastructure in the Strathbogie Shire.Community – OperationsOur Climate Resilient Community$$
24Investigate permeable concrete options for footpaths and other usesCorporate – Operations and Asset PlanningOur Climate Resilient Community$$
25Ensure climate change adaptation is fully considered in Council’s risk register and in project and in contract managementCorporate – People and PerformanceOur Climate Resilient Community$
26Improve access to reliable, easy to understand climate change data and projections to inform community planning and actionCommunity – Environment and WasteOur Climate Resilient Community$
27Provide access to information on current and emerging smart agriculture initiatives to farmers and other relevant stakeholdersCommunity – Environment and WasteOur Climate Resilient Community$
28Advocate to local and regional education partners to increase agriculture and land management knowledge, including on whole of property planning approaches, AgTech, precision agriculture, nutrient budgeting and other emerging practicesCommunity – Environment and WasteOur Climate Resilient Community$
29Support farmers and landowners’ access to regional and state government programs such as the Victorian Carbon Farming ProgramCommunity – Environment and WasteOur Climate Resilient Community$
30Review this plan every 5 years to ensure that it continues to be proactive and embraces best practice opportunities.CorporateAdvocating for Change
31New development and precinct plans must include shaded areas to enable active transport including shaded bike and walking paths.Corporate – Planning and InvestmentMoving sustainably$
32Undertake urban heat island mapping in each township and plan planting to increase active transport corridors.Community – Environment and WasteMoving sustainably$$
33Advocate for electric vehicle infrastructure in our local communities.Community – Communication and EngagementMoving sustainably$$$$
34Undertake an 'Active & Connected Cycling Strategy' and review the opportunities and barriers, infrastructure, routes, and social initiatives required for residents and visitors to access a safe and enjoyable cycling lifestyle in Strathbogie Shire.Community – Asset PlanningMoving sustainably$$$
35Transition to a fully hybrid passenger fleet by 2025Corporate – FleetMoving sustainably$$
36Transition to a fully electric passenger fleet by 2030Corporate – FleetMoving sustainably$$$
37Advocate for and investigate local net zero emissions community energy solutions (e.g., Solar PV, wind power, hydro)Community – Environment and WasteAdvocating for Change$$
38Partner with local environment groups to have a screening of environmental films like 2040 at the Community Cinema.Community – Community and CultureAdvocating for Change$
39List all Climate Change Actions on Councils website which is updated as each action is completedCorporate – Environment and WasteAdvocating for Change$
40Advocate on behalf of our community for a federal Carbon Net zero goalCommunity –Communications and EngagementAdvocating for Change$
41Advertise for community members to be on an Environment Reference Group to support the delivery of Council's Climate Change aspirationsCommunity – Environment and WasteAdvocating for Change$
42Review this plan every 5 years to ensure that it continues to be proactive and embraces best practice opportunities.Corporate – Environment and WasteAdvocating for Change$
43Establish a Climate Action Steering Committee or Green Team (internal) to guide implementation of new climate actions projects and increase collaboration between lead departments.Corporate – Environment and WasteAdvocating for Change$
44Institute a revolving energy fund to fund future projectsCorporate – FinanceAdvocating for Change$$
45Continue to support projects and advocacy through the Goulburn Murray Climate AllianceCorporate – Environment and WasteAdvocating for Change$
46Develop fossil fuel divestment policy options for the consideration of Council and consider community submissions regarding divestment when updating Council’s investment policy.Corporate – FinanceAdvocating for Change$
47Include information on Council’s climate change response and culture of energy and resource efficiency in staff recruitment and induction processes.Corporate – People and PerformanceAdvocating for Change$
48Council recognises the primary interest and knowledge of Taungurung Land and Waters Council in relation to climate change and will work with TLaWC to incorporate this knowledge into Councils Climate Emergency ResponseCorporate – Environment and WasteAdvocating for Change$
49Advocate for integration ESD principles in the Local Government Infrastructure Design ManualCorporate – Planning and InvestmentAdvocating for Change$
50Advocate to the state government to strengthen the planning scheme to protect and enhance the extent of native vegetationCorporate – Planning and InvestmentAdvocating for Change$