The Victorian Government has announced two new funding packages to help Council’s create outdoor activation spaces to support businesses and the community as coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions ease.

Part A of the funding is a new $40 million COVIDSafe Outdoor Activation Fund to help councils transform more outdoor areas so Victorians can enjoy local attractions safely as we reach the key double vaccination threshold milestones and restrictions lift.

The Fund will allocate $20.5 million so councils can provide immediate assistance to businesses to operate outdoors, through physical improvements such as new street furniture, landscaping, marquees, planter boxes and public art, as well as entertainment to bring our outdoor precincts to life.

The funding will support the outdoor operation of hospitality businesses and businesses beyond the hospitality sector (including gyms, dance studios, creative and performing arts, hairdressers, beauty/personal services and non-essential retail).

As a rural council Strathbogie Shire is eligible for $100,000 to spend across our region.

In Part B of the funding Strathbogie Shire is eligible for a further $100,000 to establish semi-permanent and permanent outdoor precincts and to allow us to waive permit fees and related charges.

Please see a link to the fund guidelines document below for your information.


We’re keen to hear from local businesses and action groups on how we can best support you.

Please take our survey below so we can develop a plan that ensures we’re delivering for you.


Furniture designs to support takeaway and dine-in options can take many forms.

Share your inspiration here or hit like to show us your preferences.